Dying Puddles

October 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

Image from Petersfield Newswire website

I hardly see puddles in roads any more apart from on the sides near the pavement. Perhaps our road building has got better so we can make smoother flatter surfaces. If that’s true, and if we’ll get even flatter, we’ll have no more puddles.

But aren’t puddles nice? Puddles are fun for kids to trample through. Shouldn’t we want to keep puddles in our world? Shouldn’t we keep in road flaws, as long as they aren’t dangerous? Maybe we could even design in dips in the road or pavement for puddles?

This idea about appreciating puddles was sparked from Hume’s cause and effect argument as explained by The Open University on iTunes U. Hume is a philosopher who argued that god must have designed the universe because of cause and effect. I downloaded the podcast because I thought it was about the philosophy of design, not something to do with god! What a pleasant error.

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